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Call Out

Trauma processing Client Call-out

Are you ready to process your trauma? Have you been waiting for the right time, the right practitioner, or that little spark of inspiration?

Natalia Rachel works exclusively with complex health & origins of trauma and is known for her relational approach using talk and touch therapy.

As Natalia’s wait list grows, she is starting to share her philosophies and techniques with more clients and practitioners.

In order to share the essence of the work, Natalia Rachel is preparing to film a series of client sessions that will be used as teaching material.

Would you like to be one of her clients?

What this means:

  • You will receive a complimentary session, 90 minutes. The session will be held as per a regular therapy session, with no interruptions.

  • A film crew will be present to capture both the talking aspect and the bodywork aspect.

  • You may be asked to share your thoughts in a post-session interview

  • Footage may be edited and distributed through online channels and used for teaching purposes.

Selection criteria:

If you would like to apply to be a client for this project, please email and include the following info:

Name, age, summary of current physical and mental health including symptoms, summary of childhood/relationship to mum/dad, awareness of traumatic experience that requires processing.

Natalia will assess all inquiries and select the few that feel most appropriate for filming. Not all candidates will be chosen, but all will receive a personal reply.

Note: You must reside in Singapore or be able to travel to Singapore for your session on the required date.

A note from Natalia Rachel

To engage in any kind of trauma processing can feel vulnerable and overwhelming. Adding the element of filming can place an extra layer of pressure to the experience. This is experience is best suited to someone who already has a level of awareness of their unprocessed trauma and feels ready to delve into deeper processing.  I look forward to hearing your story and supporting your continued journey to recovery.  x

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