Explore videos by Natalia Rachel

The Non-Linear Path of Healing

After two years living through a global pandemic, it's time to heal. Healing is a non-linear and complex process and emerges from our ability to tune into our experience with empathy and compassion. In this session therapist, writer and consultant Natalia Rachel will take you on a journey to understand the five agents of healing and explore the topics of fragmentation, boundaries, self-abandonment & the fawn response. You'll be asked to self-inquire and also create your personal healing map to help you shift into healing every day. This process is sure to ignite a shift!

The Natalia Rachel YouTube channel

Natalia regularly updates the the Natalia Rachel YouTube channel with new videos. If you are interested in exploring more videos by Natalia please click the button below!


Book in a session

For more information or to book a session click below or contact: natalia@illumahealth.org or WhatsApp Illuma Health: +6590068393