Transition Healing Mentorship


3-Month Mentorship with Natalia Rachel

Transition mentorships may be supportive during big life changes that have the potential to induce stress cycles.

Sometimes high stress and big changes can cause us to be:

 a) Fragmented (inner conflict arises and it can be hard to find clarity and make good decisions).

b) Self-abandoning (we have so much energy invested in the external transition, that we do not look after our body, mind and spirit at a time that the self, needs the most support.

c) Self-sabotaging (we start to engage in behaviors that will diminish our ability to thrive).

When we are going through a stage of personal evolution, having someone to support us through it can make all the difference. This goes back to early attachment, and the need for attachment figures to support our development.

Transition Mentorships are a bespoke experience to support to navigate the path between now and a future life landmark.

What’s Included:

12 x Weekly Therapy Sessions via zoom  

The intention here is to check-in, work through issues and provide steps to an empowered transition process.

36 x check-in voice notes ( 3 per week)

The intention here is to provide a sense of both connection and motivation. Messages will be supportive, but short.

Between session support – up to once per day.

The intention here, is to keep you on track if you lose balance. If you find yourself unable to regulate or in need of a mirror to make sense of something, you can leave a voice note and receive a reply within 48 hours

To book this time with Natalia, please contact her PA, Lynette at