About Trauma-informed Relational Somatics

Trauma-Informed Relational Somatics is the foundation training created by somatic therapist, Natalia Rachel.

This is an integrative professional development training that focuses on attunement above all, and blends talk and touch therapy to support clients recovering from trauma, and moving into post-traumatic growth, and transformation.

Certification by Illuma Health provided, pending post-training assessment and case submissions.
For more information on certification please contact us.

Experiential Training

As this is an experiential training, participants should come ready to explore their own stories through vulnerable sharing and somatic exploration. As always, it is through our embodied experience, that we can best integrate our learnings and go on to share in the world!

Who would benefit from this training?

  • Talk therapists/counselors seeking to integrate a trauma-informed and somatic approach to care.

  • Somatic practitioners interested in deepening their touch skills and somatic listening capabilities.

  • Movement & Embodiment facilitators interested in cultivating a trauma-informed practice and enhancing 1-1 space holding capabilities.

  • Health professionals who want to expand their toolkit and adopt a trauma-informed approach to care.


As leaders and facilitators bringing a trauma-informed approach to our work, it is important that we create a space for continued learning, processing, and refinement of our practice.

Each session we’ll look at 2 cases, and learn together how we can relate, lead, and facilitate in the most trauma-informed, compassionate, and intelligent way.

  • We’ll also explore one key learning topic for further development. This is a space of curiosity, enquiry, and commitment to leadership excellence, and innovation.

  • As part of the group you’ll be able to submit cases and questions for exploration, you’ll be able to offer your feedback, ask questions, and also relate with other members between sessions.

This group is perfect for leaders, facilitators, and coaches who are committed to bringing a trauma-informed approach to their work or practice, and who will like to be supported and part of this growing community, and social movement.

The Trauma-Conscious Mama - A workshop for mothers who are committed to intergenerational healing

Mindful Space, Singapore │ Wednesday, 2nd October │ 9am - 12pm

Join us for The Trauma Conscious Mama event where we'll explore how to navigate motherhood with awareness, empathy, and healing.

A transformational workshop for mothers who are committed to intergenerational healing.

In this special three-hour session, we will meet with the maternal intention of understanding our own trauma wounding and how to begin the epic journey of containment and transformation so that we do not pass it on to our children.

Some of the areas we will explore include:

  • Maternal Trauma

  • Paternal Trauma

  • Power dynamics, shadows and divine rage

  • Conscious parenting

  • Unconditionality vs conditionality

  • Conscious partnership and evolutionary family systems

Come prepared to lean into the collective unconscious, meet your heart with a new kind of compassion and set intention for deep healing and intergenerational liberation. The session will include conceptual sharing, group discussion, somatic inquiry/meditation and intention setting.

This is the kind of healing work that echoes through the cells of our babies and grandbabies.


Mindful Space, Singapore

Lunch is optional after the session

About your facilitator:

Natalia Rachel is a voice and visionary in the realms of trauma-informed culture, relationships and intergenerational repatterning. Her work taps into the collective unconscious and calls us towards the deep work of liberation and reorganization. Her greatly anticipated book ‘Why am I like this?’ distills 40 years of lived personal and professional experience. Natalia’s career has traversed, Asia, USA, Europe and Australia, where she has recently returned with her two children.

You can find her on Instagram @natalia_rachel_change