To lead well in today’s world, it is essential to be trauma-informed, compassionate, and clear of mind and heart. More and more people are struggling with their mental health, speaking up for support, and seeking to express boundaries, and preferences at work.

This makes for a complex cultural landscape where traditional forms of leadership may no longer be congruent, or even be received as triggering.

A leaders’ task is to stay in touch with their people and respond in ways that build safety, empowerment and inspire creativity and collaboration.

Natalia’s work equips leaders, c-suite and executives to stay in tune with the complex and changing experiences of their people.

Known for her ability to attune to the unspoken and illuminate the unseen, places her in a position to guide leaders who truly want to go to the next level, and inspire their teams to vitality, vibrancy and excellence.


  • How to manage employee/peer triggers at work in ways that are peaceful and powerful

  • Conscious communication / intent not to re-traumatize.

  • Transference & Projection

  • Complex dynamics & cultural organizing principles

  • Conflict resolution

  • Personal trigger & shadow work

  • Culture strategy


  • 12 x monthly meetings (90 mins via zoom or in person).

  • Up to 4 ‘in the moment’ mini consults.

  • Each month, explore the themes, dynamics and sticky issues that rise.

  • Clarify leadership intentions and develop strategies for implementation.

  • Peer into your own psyche and continue your own journey to conscious leadership.

  • Engage in intuition and empathy building tasks between sessions to tap into your innate intelligence for next level leadership.

"Thank you, for making the work you do possible and accessible. I feel this is the missing link. We can go easily from trauma to spirituality. But this is the in between where we can witness ourselves in safety."

"Natalia has helped me so much on a personal basis in the past few years to understand how trauma was and can be stored in my physical body.”

"Natalia and her somatic therapy approach is next-level. Past trauma might have been dealt with cognitively, but even so, is still wreaking havoc in your nervous system (which controls everything, including hormones!) and is stored somewhere in your body. Healing through touch helps listen to your body, connect, unlock stored trauma, and ultimately heal. "

"Her language speaks to the insides of my body. To my core.”

Words of appreciation from 1-1 clients.


Contact our team for more information: 
+65 9006 8393