How the Language of Touch Therapy Helps with Trauma Recovery

Touch therapy falls under the category of biofield energy therapy. The kind of therapies where the practitioner works with a client's biofield to stimulate a healing response in a patient. This kind of healing was the primary form of medicine before the pharmaceutical revolution happened. These approaches operate on the premise that the human body is connected with its mind. Each individual has an energy field that determines the imbalance and disruption in our energy flow. It all affects how our brain functions, stress levels, anxiety, and mental health issues. If we tie all the components together, it explains how the language of touch therapy helps with trauma recovery.

touch therapy

Understanding Touch Therapy

Before undergoing any procedures, it is useful to understand what we will go through. Knowledge helps to reduce any anxiety and fear of the unknown which is not welcome in an environment that is meant to heal a person. This is why understanding touch therapy is beneficial and can help with the process of healing.

Therapeutic touch is based on therapists putting their hands near or directly on the patient’s body with an aim to heal. Our body has an amazing ability to heal itself, and this is a way to stimulate that. The goal is to realign, recharge, and rebalance the human energy fields hoping to create the optimal condition that is vital for the body’s natural healing system. The key goal is to achieve a connection between the mind and the body, allowing energy to flow through our body without any difficulties.

Treating Trauma with Touch Therapy

Everyone has experienced trauma in some form. It can be the death of someone close to us, a significant event in our life or just a little detail that impacted our mental state. These situations affect us and our mental health. Unfortunately, most people ignore and diminish the effect of these negative situations leading to never completely heal. Treating trauma with touch therapy can increase alertness, reduce pain, diminish depression, and have an impact on a lot of other positive changes in a human’s immune function. All of these transitions in our body lead to a positive response, whether it is cognitive, physical, or emotional. It is a simple approach that makes people who are used to numbing feelings feel again. Instead of suppressing the issue, therapeutic touch helps a client realize their own somatic needs. This allows the energy to flow freely.

Collaboration between a client and a therapist is what makes touch therapy so effective. The communication can be a touch, a simple question, or a response. It is important for the client to express how he is feeling, to stay present, and free the body of negative energies.

Natalia Padgen