Reconcile From Complex Relationship Issues

Mark Twain wrote: “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured". A lesson to learn from this quote is that the anger or resentment we might feel will eat us from within before they are transferred to someone else. To protect ourselves, we should throw away bitter emotions that we feel and learn to reconcile from complex relationship issues.

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Acknowledge your feelings

To acknowledge your feelings is the first step to reconcile the relationship. When trying to reconcile a relationship with someone, the complex problems we have had can block the true feelings we have for each other. When we acknowledge the love and respect we have for the other side, we become ready to confront the uneasiness inside. This leads us to take control of the relationship issues rather than them controlling our lives. The second step is to forgive. Complex relationship issues often cause sadness and bitter feelings toward the other side, and the only way to free ourselves is to learn the art of forgiveness. “Emotional forgiveness involves psychophysiological changes, and it has more direct health and well-being consequences”, according to the article on Forgiveness, Health, and Well-Being.

Reconcile the relationship

To reconcile the relationship issues takes a lot of work and understanding. There must have been a reason for estrangement in the first place. In this step, it is crucial to think about the reasons for the past events that led to the issues. Once you have identified the problems, you will know what needs to change. Setting boundaries, taking time to talk, taking upon the activities you can do together, and leaving hobbies for personal time are some of the steps to consider.

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Good communication

Good communication is key to having a good relationship with someone. Many of us jump to conclusions without hearing the other side and, with time, it can result in straying away from each other. Relationships take a toll on all of us, and sometimes the problems keep piling on, but good communication has the power to resolve them. This simple skill is something a couple can learn together. With communication, a couple builds trust, the feeling of safety and learns how to manage problems together.

Relationships are like marathons. The will that both of you feel to improve your relationship does not guarantee it will happen overnight. Take your time to get to know each other as you did in the beginning and, with time, you will feel that love is stronger than any issue you have. Once you find a way to reconcile from complex relationship issues, you will find yourself and the relationship blossoming.

Natalia Padgen