What Does It Mean to Have a Conscious Relationship

Living consciously, eating consciously, having a conscious relationship... They're all frequently used phrases, especially among personal development communities, but what does it actually mean to have a conscious relationship? How do we bring consciousness in our relationship?

Conscious and standard relationship difference

Difference between a standard relationship and a conscious one is that in a conscious relationship, partners are more self-aware, confident and focused on solutions, unlike regular relationships where people tend to withdraw or fight if they feel hurt.

The ability to create trust, to communicate needs without hurting the other person and to understand a different perspective and feel empathy for your partner if they are not on the same page, all these factors contribute to building a healthy, conscious relationship. Couples who live in a conscious relationship are more loving and caring, and they usually feel more passion.

How to determine do you need relationship advice

Feeling attacked, furious or lonely when spending time with a partner could be signs that it is time to seek relationship advice on how to create a conscious relationship. Couples who can't manage to have a conscious relationship might struggle with communication, parenting, loneliness and intimacy.

A partner should be there to offer a safe haven, affection and understanding during difficult times. Some people feel like they are competing with their partner and that they have to keep a certain image in front of the partner, and that often leads to hurting each other.

Blaming each other, fighting or withdrawing should be a red flag to seek relationship advice. This doesn't mean that a person is not with the „right“ partner, in most cases, this just means that a different approach to challenges in a relationship would be quite helpful.

Create a conscious relationship

It would be crazy to expect that people are born with a natural talent for perfect relationships. Love is complex, and we were not taught in school how to create a meaningful relationship with a loved one. That is why it is extremely important to constantly work on a relationship.

Reading books, watching personal development videos, or finding the right experts to help on this journey can make a major difference in personal satisfaction and establishing a healthy relationship. Couples who work on creating a more conscious relationship can regain trust and respect for each other, develop empathy and thrive together even during hard times.

Partners who decide to invest time and energy in improving their relationship mostly manage to reconnect in intimacy, find passion and generally become more happy and content with each other. Learning some techniques for practical problem solving can help couples create the satisfying relationship they always wanted.

Natalia Padgen